
Enlightened education

I am currently away in Edinburgh at my annual heads’ conference, this year entitled ‘Enlightened Education’. Alongside some of the more practical information and training and meetings with colleagues, I hope always to be inspired as I reflect on my own leadership and the future direction of the school. We have been privileged to listen to some excellent presentations, and I will allow these soundbites to speak for themselves:

From Marc Randloph, co-founder of Netflix:

“Don’t try to predict the future but prepare yourself for whatever happens.”

“Surround yourself with people who excel in areas where you don’t.”

“Take risks and learn from mistakes; then don’t make the same mistake twice.”

From broadcaster and professor of Islamic and Interreligious Studies, Mona Siddiqui:

“School playgrounds stay with us for all our lives.”

“How can I leave the world a better place?”

“What does it mean to lead a meaningful life?”

“Our job as educators is the formation of young people rather than information to young people.”

Nicola Benedetti, violinist:

“Music teaches me about faith, humility, creativity and humanity.”

Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, former Paralympian, winner of 11 gold medals who broke 35 world records, talking about the importance of access to mainstream education for disabled people:

“Education gives you choices and opportunity.”

Young changemakers and youth ambassadors from Theirworld, combatting the global education crisis:

“Education is a child’s weapon. Don’t take it for granted.”

I wish you a good weekend and am grateful to parents who will be bringing children in to support our important Open Morning tomorrow.

Best wishes,

John Watson