The policies which drive the school are available for you to look at here.
- Accessibility | PDFpdf
- Admissions | PDFpdf
- Administration of Medicines | PDFpdf
- Anti-Bullying | PDFpdf
- Anti-Corruption and Bribery | PDFpdf
- Assessment Marking Homework | PDFpdf
- Attendance | PDFpdf
- Bursaries | PDFpdf
- Careers Education | PDFpdf
- CCTV | PDFpdf
- Complaints | PDFpdf
- Curriculum | PDFpdf
- Data Privacy | PDFpdf
- External Examinations | PDFpdf
- Fire Safety | PDFpdf
- First Aid | PDFpdf
- Head Injuries | PDFpdf
- Health & Safety | PDFpdf
- Mental Health & Well-being | PDFpdf
- Missing Pupil | PDFpdf
- Non-Examination Assessment (NEA) | PDFpdf
- Parent Contract | PDFpdf
- Pupil Behaviour Rewards & Sanctions | PDFpdf
- Pupil Equal Opportunities | PDFpdf
- Pupil Use of ICT | PDFpdf
- Pupil Supervision | PDFpdf
- Relationships & Sex Education | PDFpdf
- Risk Assessment | PDFpdf
- Safeguarding | PDFpdf
- Safer Recruitment | PDFpdf
- Sixth Form BYOD | PDFpdf
- Special Educational Needs and Disability | PDFpdf
- Substance Misuse | PDFpdf
- Terms & Conditions | PDFpdf
- Whistleblowing | PDFpdf