Kind people are our kind of people

I wish you and family a very Happy New Year and hope that you benefited from both relaxation and celebration over the festive period. I hope too that you have remained warm and dry, and unaffected personally by Monday’s flooding.
Fortunately, the waters had subsided by Tuesday when we held our entrance assessments, and we were very pleased to welcome so many enthusiastic youngsters, keen to join LGS in September. This healthy interest in the school is especially important at a time when you and any prospective parents face VAT on school fees and when the sector will be buffeted by further headwinds in April in the form of business rates and additional NI contributions. As you know, we are keen for our fees to remain affordable for our parents and we continue to review our costs, but without compromising the high quality and special aspects of an LGS education which form an integral part of the happy and ambitious development of our young people.
Many of you will know that two smaller independent schools in the region have this week announced proposed closure from the summer as they are unable to continue in the face of increased economic pressures. We feel for those children, families and staff affected by this news, and we will accommodate pupils where we can and where they would benefit from an education in one of our schools. We have unsurprisingly experienced significant interest over the last few days, especially at LGS Stoneygate, where prospective parents can identify a similar ethos. You may be aware that we introduced a new bus route from Brixworth in Northamptonshire this academic year, and we have also just announced a bus from the Loughborough area from September. If you have friends who might benefit, please spread the word! We are fortunate that we can embark on 2025 optimistically despite the challenges, and I can reassure you that our Trust schools are in a strong and secure position relative to many others.
I spoke to pupils in assembly on Wednesday about my love of transport and travel, relating this to their journey this year. I encouraged them to enjoy and make the most of that learning journey and to wonder at their education, rather than seeing it as a means to an end. I also reflected on the journey not always going entirely to plan; we can sometimes find ourselves at a crossroads when faced with difficult decisions and circumstances, but our choice of a positive way forward is very often within our control. And, finally, I asked them to look after their fellow travellers, whether in school (friends or not) or at home. I ended with the message which greeted me when I boarded an Avanti West Coast train to London a few weeks ago:
Kind people are our kind of people.
Best wishes,
John Watson
Headmaster and Principal