
LGS has talent!

Form Tutors are currently writing Leavers’ Letters to the parents of our Year 13. It’s an opportunity to reflect on their contribution to the life of the school community and to comment on their many personal qualities. I then add my own expression of gratitude and wish them both happiness and success, as we are very proud of the generous young adults they have become.

As they embark on their exams, many are no doubt feeling nervous and wondering whether they will perform well enough to meet the offers they require to proceed to their chosen universities. That niggling doubt over whether we are ‘good enough’ is something which afflicts all of us at some stage but is probably most prevalent in those teenage years when youngsters are trying to find their place in life relative to others. We aim in school to nurture self-esteem and self-belief, so that every pupil can be proud of who they are and what they achieve.

It’s always hugely rewarding to see children gradually develop that quiet self-confidence as they grow through the school. Some of that comes from trying out new things alongside others, some comes from the satisfaction of succeeding in something which takes them out of their comfort zone, some comes from the respect they earn for being kind and caring towards all around them. Each of them is unique, and each has their own character and talents. Each can go on to be a world-changer.

I will remind the leavers today of my first assemblies when I joined the school in 2019. The first was an encouragement to believe: in themselves, in others and in something. The second was about Mr Kipling!

Mr Kipling, what a lovely fellow. A proper all-rounder and a man with a belief that if something is worth doing, it is worth doing exceedingly well indeed.

That message was about excellence, scholarship and courtesy. The last quality is vital, as our learning and our talents are only really worth having if we can share them selflessly with others.

I will also quote Winston Churchill, who said:

We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.

We hope our leavers will share a happy day and enter the exam period with the quiet reassurance that they are well-prepared and have the talent to succeed.

Best wishes,

John Watson