Shared remembrance

On Wednesday, we held our Act of Remembrance, this year also remembering those who have tragically died or suffered loss during our global conflict with the pandemic. And we gave thanks for the hope offered by the discovery of a vaccine.
Our Year 13 bubble gathered in St Nicholas’ while the service was broadcast to the remainder of the school community. We listened to our Year 13 musicians; our servers and sacristans led the procession, reading and prayers; the Last Post was sounded from the centre of school; the Kohima epitaph was recited by the prefects; we laid wreaths; our new chaplain (Mr Millward) provided a reflection; and we paused for two minutes to remember. It was a very special and moving occasion which recalled the importance of such gatherings and traditions in the corporate life of our school. In such moments we stand together in our diversity, united by shared remembrance and a commitment to make our world a better and more peaceful place. We find meaning in such acts, as we are linked to generations both past and future.
A few of us then proceeded to the centre of the village, where we re-laid our wreaths – a reminder that we look outwards as a school to our local community and to the wider world, as we all share in our common humanity.
Best wishes,
John Watson
Headmaster and Principal