
There for the taking

I hope that many of you and your children were able to join us for a really vibrant careers fair on Tuesday evening; the area around the Foyer and St Nick’s was really buzzing! Apart from collecting plenty of brochures and prospectuses (and eating lots of chocolates!), our pupils benefited from conversations with experts in many fields. Those experts in turn were very impressed by our pupils and their levels of courtesy and curiosity.

As with so many aspects of their lives, we cannot (and should not) make decisions for our children regarding their future options and careers, but we can ensure that we give them excellent guidance in such a competitive world. Mrs Scott, our Careers Leader, is available to talk to pupils and their parents, and all pupils are offered a career aptitude test at the end of Year 10, followed by an interview with an adviser. She also contributes work-related learning to our Life Education course and advises older pupils as they look for work experience. She is very grateful to those parents and former pupils who offer their support from such a variety of professions and is always pleased to receive new offers!

Last night we held our ‘Meet the Tutor’ evening for Year 12 parents and emphasised the guidance and many opportunities that are available to pupils as they enter the final stage of their secondary education and as they mature into young, more independent adults.

Our most successful learners are those who make the most of their talents and personal qualities to become self-starters in life. As parents and as teachers, we can offer guidance and support, but we must also nurture independence as our children grow towards adulthood. The opportunities are then there for the taking.

Best wishes,

John Watson