
Religious Studies

Religious Studies at Leicester Grammar provides an intellectually grounded, philosophically and theologically astute exploration of ultimate questions of meaning, purpose and truth that have direct relevance to British society. We live in a world where politics, culture and religion are often fused together, and even those societies that separate church and state often have God embedded in their cultural politics; thus it is important to have knowledge and understanding of humanities beliefs.

Our aim is to cultivate religious literacy, so that our students can address the problems, challenges and opportunities they encounter in the world in an attentive, reasonable and responsible manner.

As society finds itself increasingly anxious about the ‘Big Questions’ regarding the wellbeing of society, the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, and the truth or falsehood of conflicting religious and secular beliefs, so we take Socrates’ words to heart, ‘the unexamined life is not worth living’.


  • Ms Jane Ford, B.A. (Newcastle), Head of Religious Studies
  • Mrs Jane Tompkins
  • Mr Duncan Whitton
  • Mrs Eva Brookes

Year 6

All pupils in Year 6 have two periods of Religious Studies per week. The main focus in year 6 is to make RS exciting and interesting and to give the students a greater sense of wonder by actually creating, in an open and engaging environment, their own community with their own values and practices.

The activities are based on Sue Phillips Theatre of Learning - The Island; a community brought together through a cruise ship sinking and the survivors coming together on an island.

During their time on the island the survivors participate in many events, including celebrating the birth of their first child, creating their own laws and considering a resting place for their written diaries of their experiences. This is tied in with discovering more about rites of passage in Christianity and world religions.

Year 7

All pupils in Year 7 have two periods of Religious Studies per week. Pupils start the year by working on a presentation called, ‘My life in pieces’. This gives them the opportunity to provide a snapshot of who and what is important to them in their lives including the beliefs they hold. Pupils then go on to do an in depth study of Islam and Judaism. The focus is on considering the challenges of following these religions today and evaluate how beliefs affect behaviour. To enhance their learning, faith visitors come in to classes to talk about their faith. We end Year 7 with a unit on Philosophical Questions.

Year 8

All pupils in year 8 have two periods of Religious Studies per week. Pupils begin the year by considering the development of the early Church and Christian belief. This is followed by considering the question as to whether religion in the world is a force for peace or the cause of conflict.  Year 8 pupils then study the religions of Hinduism and Sikhism. Part of their learning may include a visit to a place of worship.

Year 9

All pupils in year 9 have two periods of Religious Studies per week.

Pupils begin the year by exploring whether it makes sense to believe in God.  Pupils are encouraged to analyse and evaluate philosophical arguments for the existence of God (including the design and first cause arguments) and challenges against, including the problem of evil and suffering. As part of this unit, they will visit the Beth Shalom Holocaust memorial centre in collaboration with the History Department. Year 9 pupils go on to look at the origins of life on earth from religious and non-religious perspectives and examine our role in caring for the earth. In the last topic pupils explore what it means to be a Buddhist before applying Buddhist belief and practice to modern ethical dilemmas, including environmental issues and animal rights.


GCSE Religious Studies is a popular option with approximately 50% of Year 10 and 11 students opting for it.

Pupils study the AQA GCSE Religious Studies. The course is assessed at the end of two years through two examination papers, each of 1 and 3/4 hours in duration.

On the first paper, pupils will answer questions on the beliefs and teachings and practices of Christianity and Buddhism.

On the second paper, Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world, students will consider different religious, philosophical and ethical arguments and their impact and influence in the modern world.

As a part of the two-year course students visit a church and a Buddhist Vihara. Every other year there is also the opportunity for them to attend a conference at school.

More details of this course can be found here


A Level

A Level Religious Studies (Philosophy, Ethics and Theology) is a very popular option chosen by many Sixth Form students.

Students study the OCR linear A level. This is assessed by three two-hour examinations at the end of the two years. The course provides our students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of western philosophy, ethics and Christian theology. We expect the course to inspire our students to engage in ethical, philosophical and theological issues and acquire knowledge and a critical understanding of major issues that are relevant to learners in the twenty first century.

Students have the opportunity to attend a revision conference at either Oxford or Cambridge where several renowned Philosophers are present.  Lectures cover subject specific topics, relevant to the A level syllabus. We also host a biannual Philosophy, Ethics and Theology conference, led by Peter Radford and attended by Sixth Form students from several local schools and colleges.

More details of this course can be found here


  • ‘Philosophy Society’ is a student-led lunchtime club meeting once a month for years 12 and 13. It aims to explore the place and nature of faith in today’s world and discuss a range of philosophical and ethical issues. The programme includes quite varied speakers and presentations: university lecturers, faith visitors, teachers, and LGS students, as well as occasional film showings, debates, etc.
  • A weekly ‘Film Club’ (rotated each term) runs for younger pupils in years 7-9 and offers the opportunity to watch and discuss a variety of films with a philosophical and ethical theme.
  • We regularly invite visitors from a variety of faith groups into the school to talk to our RS pupils.